The Holiday Recharge

Happy holidays!

This is our last article until the New Year, because we’re going to recharge through the end of December.

I say this with some trepidation. If you were to hang out with me, you’d know that I don’t do “recharge” very well.

I say this not to boast, but to identify a weakness. All of us, especially in leadership positions, need to make time to refresh, reflect, and give our bodies and brains a rest to prepare for whatever’s next.

Lead, and recharge, well!


Better to Be a Nerd, or a Jock?

A few years ago, my wife gave some half-joking advice to our teenage daughter. She said, “Don’t marry a jock. Marry a nerd.”

Now, the reasoning behind this comment none of us can remember. But it sparked a follow-up question that remains purposefully unanswered to this day: “Mom, did you marry a jock or a nerd?”

This week through the lens of marriage advice, jock and nerd stereotypes, and George Patton, we look at why leaders must be a little bit of a jock, a little bit of a nerd, and a whole lot of a leader.

Lead well!
